Breath Awareness Events:
Breath Awareness Training in Seattle: To be announced. Experience the depth of facilitated breathwork, and learn the basics of recognizing your own and others breath patterns for life-long benefits. Contact: Tracey @ 206-769-0040
Breath Awareness Events in Japan. Inquire for details.
Breath Awareness Introductory Workshop, Seattle.
Stay tuned for upcoming introductory classes.
This session will focus on the basics of breath, including several warm-up breath exercises, and an hour long facilitated session accompanied by the Healing Sounds of the lyres.
Location: To be announced.
* Private Sessions: By appointment. Private sessions last from 1-2 hours. Can be shared by up to 3 people.
Private sessions are powerful. Are you in the middle of a life transition, want more clarity, or does your body needs support – a private session is perfect. Three is actually the magic number! I have found three sessions done fairly close together seems to get most people over the hurdle. A private session is in-depth work; it allows you the space to acknowledge and receive direct feedback on the specifics of your breathing, links habits of breathing with habits of thinking and I tailor your session to your specific needs. You will receive input on how to support your breath practice at home, and committing to doing three sessions consecutively affords you a discount of $20 off each session. Working in three’s supports optimal results.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Dave Merrill
For more information on all services, please contact:
206.453.9329 |
For Tracey Stover’s schedule:, or call:206-769-0040