The Breath Awareness Training, March 6th-8th, Seattle.
A 3-day training designed for providers already working with others.
With Tracey Stover & Dave Merrill
Breath is the foundation of life; learn the importance of breath for both yourself and your client. Whether you are a massage therapist, nurse, yoga teacher, reiki practitioner, psychotherapist or school teacher, you’ve probably noticed how difficult it is to work with someone whose breath and thought patterns are closed from stress, anxiety, and limiting beliefs. The intention is to teach providers how to take the first steps to relax that tension with breath in order to effectively administer their own work. Come prepared for two deep facilitated sessions per day, and to move your body, tone with your voice, be immersed in healing sounds and dive deeply into your true self.
This training is a pre-requisite for the Facilitator Training, which is three days plus 6 months mentorship program.
Imagine your body as a musical instrument tuned to heartfelt joy, breathing the nectar of life, strengthened by the beauty of all that is. Join us to discover this state of inner harmony and resonance as your heart sings and breath flows.
Music – a dance of rhythm and tones – was connected to the daily life of all tribes. Singing, playing, dancing was the combined expression of happiness, sorrow, healing and spirit. In our time we are surrounded by two-dimensional “speaker-music” – but we are left hungry for nature’s full-frequency sound. Through the heavenly vibrations of the Healing Lyres and the Metal Circle instruments, feed your body and soul with a cosmic feast of healing vibrations.
Breath — our primary life-force — is keeping us alive each moment. It is the key to our biology, and a doorway to clearing the unconscious and residing in clarity. Yet most of us have physical stress and held emotions or traumas which result in restricted breath patterns. Learning to breathe fully reverses these holdings and returns us to a naturally revitalized state of energetically vibrant being and awareness.
Join us for this interactive and dynamic work of sound, movement, and breath:
*Experience presence through rhythm and vibration.
*Synchronize the body with the cosmic rhythms of the Metal Circle instruments.
*Self-Expression through improvisation with sound and movement.
*Play and feel the deep healing vibrations of the Tao Lyre, Liramu, and Tiralu.
*Tame the musical demon of ‘not good enough’.
*Breathe in facilitated sessions for energetic opening and emotional release.
*Deeply integrate the healing vibrations in your Body, Mind, and Soul.
Call off the search of mental seeking,
dissolve into silence, and know deeply who you are.
“Spontaneously arising,
Send out the warmth of love and gratitude
to Earth, water, and trees,
humans, animals, and spirits.” Miyuki